Board Member and Secretary
Nancy graduated from Bethany Fellowship College of Missions, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and spent her year of internship at an orphanage in Monterrey, Mexico.
Her volunteer work through her church includes hosting a home group and teaching English as a Second Language. Nancy also takes her miniature horse to a nursing home once a month, where they visit with seniors.
Nancy's compassion for people, accuracy in record keeping, prayer support, and work ethic are of great benefit to the Board.
Nancy has worked for Mechanical Excellence as its secretary and bookkeeper for over 30 years, and has done the bookkeeping and event photography for Innovation Institute since 2003. Planning, decorating, and hosting the annual Institute Christmas Party is an event she enjoys, and one that so many look forward to each year. She is married to Harrold Andresen, and they have two adult daughters and one granddaughter. They have lived in Duncanville since 1987.